Founder's Letter
For nearly fifty years, since my student days, I have been defending the State of Israel. On campuses and TV screens, on the opinion pages, on-line and on-the-air, I have presented Israel’s case to many millions. Whether in houses of worship or the White House, I have worked to give Israel the time and space it required to defeat our enemies.
Today, arguably more than ever, Israel needs that time and space. Filling that need is the goal of the Israel Advocacy group.
Through prime-time interviews on major news outlets, op-eds in leading journals, podcasts, video clips, and background briefings, a dedicated Substack site, and a targeted social media initiative, IAG deepens public understanding of Israel’s perspectives and empathy for our cause. (See the Michael Oren Media Report, attached). The goal is to bolster support for our right, and our ability, to defend ourselves.
In founding IAG, I drew on my former roles as the Middle East analyst for CBS and CNN, as an IDF spokesman and Deputy Minister for Diplomacy, and, of course, as Israel’s ambassador to Washington. I applied the experience gleaned from hundreds of hours of interviews, 1700 pages of articles and op-eds, and extensive engagement with social media. I maintained my integrity as an unofficial advocate for Israel while enjoying access to key decision-makers.
IAG harnesses all that expertise to protect Israel in the press. A highly streamlined and thoroughly dedicated staff work to amplify and transmit our message worldwide. As coverage of Israel grows increasingly hostile, IAG becomes ever more critical.
I want to invite you to join IAG in defending Israel and upholding our right to exist as a free and secure Jewish State. Join me at IAG and directly impact Israel’s image and enhance our ability to defend ourselves. The time for action is now.
Hazak v’Ematz,
Ambassador Michael Oren