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Our Results
We generate a monthly Publicity Value of $3.9 Million across the major networks. This is nearly $47 Million a year of measurable value across a yearly audience reach of 180 million people.
Ambassador Michael Oren and IAG deploy on average a 120 Global TV segments per quarter.
We are a fully transparent data driven organization that measures results of all direct efforts. No Frills, Just Action.
Our results are fully validated from a third-party media monitoring service.
We are delighted to share results of the hundreds of mainstream media engagements.
Reached an audience of over 1 million on “CNN Newsroom”. Total monthly Publicity Value on CNN is $975,000 and an average of 9 CNN TV segments per month.

Reached an audience of over 2 million on “The Last Word”. Total monthly Publicity Value on MSNBC is $1.3 Million and an average of 8 MSNBC/NBC TV segments per month.

Reached an audience of over 5 million on “CBS News Sunday Morning.” Total monthly Publicity Value on CBS News is $937,000.

Reached an audience of over 3 million on “America’s Newsroom and Fox News Live.” Total monthly Publicity Value on Fox is $748,000.

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